![Why do we exist?](/sites/default/files/2023-02/vision_0.jpg)
In July 2022 the Standing Committee engaged in the start of a vision process, before presenting initial themes and priorities to PCC for input and discussion, followed by a more focussed PCC morning in February 2023 to further clarify a vision for what we’d love to see happen at St Stephen’s in the next 3 to 5 years.
I have sought to present the outcomes under the headings of our aim, passion, values and vision.
We are excited to pray for; work towards; and commit some of the resources God has blessed us with to the priorities set out in this vision document.
With God’s help, we need you to help see it happen.
is to play our part, right where we live, in what Jesus is doing in the whole world
“This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.” - Luke 24v46-47, the Bible
“proclaim afresh in each generation”*
As the local Anglican church in Prenton, we’re called to share the fantastic unchanging good news of Jesus found in God’s word, the bible.**
is Knowing God, Reaching Prenton and Building Jesus’ Church
- Knowing God: We exist to know and glorify God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At St Stephen’s we aim to know and glorify God by being a biblical, prayerful, united and joyful church
- Reaching Prenton: We are called to proclaim the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world around us. At St Stephen’s we aim to reach Prenton by being a community in and for the communities around us
- Building Jesus’ Church: We want to play our part in making and growing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. At St Stephen’s we want to be a church that has deep roots, wide diversity and strong fellowship
In order to do this we are committed to
- SHARING His gospel: We long for God to add new people to our church as they hear about Jesus, believe in him and start to follow him as Lord. At St Stephen’s we pray for those who don’t yet believe; we run events and courses to help people of all ages hear the good news; and we partner in prayer and financially with others making Jesus known on Wirral, in the UK and overseas.
- SERVING His purpose: We long for God to use us, and for us to use all the resources He has given us (buildings and each other) to help us play our part here in Prenton, in what Jesus is doing in the whole world.
- SHOWING His love: We long to be a blessing to each other and to the communities around in Prenton as God transforming by His Spirit, shows in meaningful and practical ways.
- STRENGTHENING His people: We long to grow deeper in our relationship with God as we encourage one another in humble attentiveness to God’s Word; increasing dependence in prayer, and joyful praise and worship.
In the next three to five years we are praying and working towards the following priorities
We pray the Lord would ADD to our number those He is saving. As God’s Spirit empowers us we commit to sharing the gospel, and long to be at least double the number currently meeting regularly as followers of Jesus in Prenton.
We pray the Lord would help us be welcoming and intentional. We commit to BUILD people up for effective ministry in a church building that is accessible, flexible and fit for purpose (See Project 125).
We pray the Lord would help us CONNECT with the Dell estate. We commit to establishing a community hub in the former Prenton Library building and growing a team to pioneer this outreach.
We pray the Lord would DEEPEN our love for Jesus. We commit to helping the whole church family grow as disciples of Jesus. One way we're seeking to do this is by growing the team of those able to equip others in multiplying ministry across the whole church family.
We'd love you to join us as we enjoy KNOWING GOD; as we seek to REACH PRENTON, and all play our part in seeing JESUS BUILD HIS CHURCH right here where God has called and placed us.
Will you pray with us; commit to this vision, and be involved?
* From the preface to The Declaration of Assent, affirmed at every ordination and licensing service in the Church of England.
** From the words of welcome on our homepage.